About me and my collection
Where to start...? Many people asked me about why I
collecting gas masks but I can say what other collectors says: I don't know
exactly, for some reason I begun liked these masks and I've been more interested
for other types too. I started collecting around 2000 and my firsts masks were
a 70M and a GP-5. Then I got more and more masks. In the beginning I've never
dreamed about if I have more than 20 types and now over 40 types in my collection.
When the number of masks reached 15 the my friends started to say "it's
a real collection and you will be a real collector".
In the beginning
I've got masks from friends they found in basements, attics, garages, etc, then
I visited some market places and in the past few years I started intesively
browsing auciton sites where I bought masks for fair prices.
My collection
not only contains respirators rather it contains any other things that releated
to them and other protetcive equipment.
I made this site on spring of 2009
to show mx collection. I tought my site will be the first private gas mask releated
site. before that I saw few war relics sites contained gas masks too but not
dedicated to them. When I edited the site and I searched some info about a type
I cound another collector's site from Hungary.
Beside the gas mask collecting I produce electronic music
in ambient, trip-hop, downtempo genres. My project called DOLG (A.P.)
was started in April 2011.
You can listen to and download my works on these
My collection around 2006. This is the earliest photo of my whole colletion. (Sorry bad quality mobile phone picture. It's a montage of two photos) |